Private Lessons

The following are companies that offer lessons at various prices and have various skill sets. We encourage you to do your own research and insure you know the cost required for any lessons. HYAA does not endorse any individual or company.

To be listed a company or individual is required to give a clinic to HYAA (free of charge at least once per year per individual or company, Education institutions are allowed to give clinics at a minimal charge)

If you would like to be considered, please get with a commissioner in one of the divisions to possibly setup a clinic.  You need to provide background  information about you or your company and normal cost of lessons and areas you cover.  Click here for a link to all of the commissioners.

Duke University Baseball

For full details, see the Duke Baseball Camps website.
Contact: Mark Hayes, 919-257-0095

Cedar Ridge Baseball

For full details, see the Cedar Ridge Baseball website.
Contact: James Athas

Orange High Baseball

For full details, see the Orange High Baseball website.
Contact: Dean Dease