Hillsborough Youth
Athletic Association
Helping hundreds of kids each year achieve their softball and baseball dreams

HYAA Shop Weekend
20% OFF Throughout the Store!
Friday, February 14 – Monday, February 17
Coupon valid at Durham DICK’S Store Location
Save the date! Our partner DICK’S Sporting Goods is offering all our members an exclusive discount of 20% off throughout the store! Be sure to grab all the things you will need for the upcoming spring season as well as all the other items that you have had your eyes! To access exclusive savings, click the coupon linked below. The coupon is valid in-store on the dates above and must be shown at the register during checkout.
About Us
We are a nonprofit organization who, for over fifty years, has offered sports programs for kids from 4 – 16 years old. Our organization is run entirely by volunteers and is governed by a Board of Directors.
Currently we offer programs for baseball and softball with a mission to provide sports in an atmosphere that emphasizes teamwork, encouragement, and respect while teaching competitive play at appropriate age levels. We’re glad you’re here!
HYAA Activities by Month
Board Meetings
They HYAA Board of Directors are elected to 3-year terms. The Board Meetings are typically the first Monday of each month at 7:00PM at HYAA Headquarters, 220 Orange Grove Street, Hillsborough, NC 27278. The Board consists of parents, supporters, and volunteers for HYAA.
2024 Events
December 2024
Sunday, December 8th
Hillsborough Holiday Parade
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Friday, December 13th
Spring Registration Opens
2025 Events
January 2025
Monday, January 6th
HYAA Board Meeting
7:00 PM
Monday, February 3
HYAA Board Meeting
7:00 PM
Friday, February 7
Saturday, February 8
Player Evaluations @ Schley Field
Time TBD
Sunday, February 9
Player Evaluations @ Schley Field (Rain Day Makeup, if necessary)
Time TBD
Laura Meyers Annual Pitching Clinic
Time TBD
February 10-14
League Drafts @ HYAA HQ
Time TBD
Saturday, February 15
Spring Field Day @ Each Field
Time TBD
HYAA Coaches Clinic @ Schley Field
Time TBD
Saturday, February 22
First Spring Practices
Saturday, February 22
First Spring Practices
Monday, March 3
HYAA Board Meeting
7:00 PM
Saturday, March 8
First T-Ball Spring Practice
Saturday, March 15
Spring Opening Day & Picture Day
Saturday, March 22
Picture Day Makeup (if necessary)
Monday, April 7
HYAA Board Meeting (Approval of All Star Coaches)
7:00 PM
Saturday, May 3
Hawks Applications Due
Sunday, May 4
Hawks Committee Meeting
Monday, May 5
HYAA Board Meeting (Approval of All Star Coaches)
7:00 PM
Saturday, May 10
All Star Tryouts
5:00 PM
Thursday, May 22
Last Day of Spring Season
Friday, May 23
World Series Nominations
May 27-June 6
End of Season Tournament
Rookie, Exchange, Schley, Diamond, and Softball Divisions
Monday, June 2
HYAA Board Meeting
7:00 PM
May 27-June 6
End of Season Tournament
Rookie, Exchange, Schley, Diamond, and Softball Divisions
June 9-13
World Series
Rookie, Exchange, Schley, Diamond, and Softball Divisions
Playing Ball
Other Resources

Local Rules
Each year, HYAA reviews all the Local Rules that are in place for league play to promote fairness, sportsmanship, more level playing time, and safety. Where these rules do not apply HYAA will refer to the Cal Ripken Rules for 4-12 baseball and the Babe Ruth Rules for 8-12 softball. Please review these as needed and before each season as things can change based on Rules Committee suggestions to the HYAA Board.
Financial Assistance
First and foremost, HYAA understands the situations that the economy has forced upon our many league families. Our policy has been and continues to be that HYAA will not turn children away based on their family’s ability to pay a registration fee. We also understand that it can be difficult sometimes to ask for help. Additionally, we’ve had parents ask if a child on scholarship will receive the same benefits of all other players. The answer is, yes! Players benefiting from financial assistance are not treated any differently. Neither in uniform nor playing time. Coaches never know the player status and can not possibly reduce playing time based on this.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact the HYAA President or Vice President directly for information regarding financial assistance. See the Board of Directors for the current contact information.
Sponsorship Application
We are pleased to offer area businesses the opportunity to sponsor this great community program. In 2023, we fielded softball and baseball teams comprising of almost 900 players ranging in age from 4 to 15 years old. Your sponsorship plays a significant role in making our program a reality for many of these children by offering the registration cost per player. The sponsorship program also allows HYAA to offer scholarships to eligible families, and discounts for multi-player families. Your sponsorship contributes significantly to our ability to keep the program affordable and available to all. For those interested in sponsoring HYAA, please contact sponsorships@hyaabaseball.org.
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Title Sponsor

Division Sponsors

Homer Sponsors

Triple Sponsors

Single Sponsors

Billboard Sponsors